Tag Archives: goals

Gone With The Wind Part 1

Today I was looking through my Goodreads “currently reading” list and realised that I have around 10 books on that list! I am chronic in starting a book only to take a break from it for a while, a LONg while it seems, and then have to pretty much start from the beginning because I’ve forgotten what it was about! I am also chronic in reading/re-reading books in a series in an effort to pad my Reading Challenge (Deltora and Series of Unfortunate Events, I’m talking to you!) for the year, which now sits at 78/85 books,  but having all those unfinished books on my list does get to me at times.

I don’t know quite what it is that makes me put books down after starting them. Obviously being busy at work has had an impact – I rarely want to read at home after my brain is wired all day – but other than that I am curious as to why. The books that are on my “currently reading” list are a range of classic and non-fiction books, some of them library books that I started but never got around to finishing. I know that with books like Kavalier and Clay and All Quiet on the Western Front the reputation of them being “classics” can feel daunting at times. I know that I have Anna Karenina, The Iliad and Heart Of Darkness among many others sitting on my bookshelf for years, waiting for the right time for me to read them. Whether that time is when I’ve had my fill of puff, chick-lit/mystery books or when I’m in the school holidays ready to be challenged OR simply when I have the motivation to want to tackle one of these mighty works.  Continue reading Gone With The Wind Part 1

Life Update Time! (Taking Stock Jan 2016)

Life update time! I head back to work next week which I find myself kind of dreading. But I have had a great summer (non-relationship-wise) and I’m ready to take on some new challenges.


Cooking: A lot lately as I (again) attempt to change my eating habits. I find that I struggle to enjoy cooking for myself, but I adore cooking for other people! Below are the last two breakfasts I made for my housemate, very proud of them if I do say so myself!


Drinking: Water from an old Mount Franklin bottle. Is that whole “don’t reuse bottle water bottles” thing still a thing??

Reading: Wonder Woman: The Twelve Labours. Side note: How bad ass does Gal Godot look in the Batman vs Superman trailer?!

Wanting: so many, many things. Let’s go with motivation for now..

Looking: at the old Casablanca poster above my desk, finally hung up!

Playing: that Covet fashion game (I’m pretending it’s helping me be more fashionable!), Pandemic and Ticket To Ride . I am OBSESSED with Tabletop at the moment!

Deciding: if I want to go run myself a cold bath. It is SO HOT that sometimes I do that first thing in the morning, just sit in the bath to cool down. The cat has started sleeping in the bathroom (apparently over his previous bath trauma) which goes to show, evaporative airconditioning= NOPE!

Wishing: that my housemate was not moving out in two months, or that he asks me to move in with him (HA!) or that he just gives me a really nice birthday before he moves.

Enjoying: that the cat and I have gotten into a perfect routine this holidays. And that I know all his facial expressions and postures, and he does what I want (finally!) at one word, AND that there has been no inside pooing. Victory!

Waiting : for my younger housemate to come home, so I can tease him about his lady dramas.

Liking: the new organisation of my desk. I cleaned it up nicely yesterday to give me a good workspace. Naturally the rest of my room remains less organised!

Wondering: if I can pull myself together enough to clean up the rest of my room. I-think-i-can i-think-i-can i-think-i-can….

Loving: My boo.


Pondering: waking up early tomorrow to try get into my school routine. ORRR do I sleep in as it is one of my last holiday days?

Watching: The Office (US) S05 E09 The Surplus. About to head into an Agents of SHIELD catch up too.

Hoping: a fairy comes and waves their wand over me and makes me look like I did four years ago. #fatty #badday

Marvelling: at other people’s abilities to be hella into their fitness and health. Very, very envious.

Needing: To find some motivation.

Smelling: the bowl of frangipanis on my desk from my trees in the backyard. Another reason I wanna stay in this house!!

Wearing: pink singlet, green undies, black shorts. And I’m only wearing the shorts because my housemate is due home soon!

Following: Ashy Bines on Instagram and Snapchat. She’s annoyingly perfect looking, and yet so accessible and down to earth about herself and her ups and down.

Knowing: I need to do some more planning and reading for school. My first year teaching HASS (Humanities and Social Studies) so I’ve got a lot to catch up on!

Thinking:  that I want to go on a cruise this year. My Hawaiian trip was cancelled as my aunty changed the cruise we were all going on from one in the school holidays to one during the term! Sad that I can’t go with my family, but the cruise they are now going on is far better value. BUT I do still want to go on a holiday this year sometime.

Feeling: like the weather has cooled down a bit and the air con is actually working properly!

Admiring: friends that are changing their lives and making better choices than me.

Sorting: out my possessions into keep, give away, throw away piles. Biting the bullet, organising, cleaning, the whole thing.

Buying: Too many books that I do not have time to read. It’s a sickness!!

Bookmarking: ideas and things I want to buy for school. I do love me some stationary and resources!

Disliking: that I still get itchy eyes and hayfever from the cat (and all the cat hair and dust in my room!).

Opening: my iTunes to find that all my music has disappeared. Joy.

Giggling: at a photo frame I found this morning with an odd brand name (inside joke hehehe)

Snacking: On nothing at the moment!! Trying to kick the habit and eat regularly enough that snacking doesn’t happen.

Coveting: a house. a car, a boy, a holiday, a size 10 body.

Wishing: to have the resolve and commitment to stick to my plans to change habits, even when I am feeling conflicted and down.

Helping: myself by deciding not to go to the shops to buy dinner and snacks.

Hearing: my text tone go off as my housemate asks me to let him in. The silly boy left his keys at work, so all weekend he has been pestering me to see when I am at home.

Hope you have all had a great start to the new year! Any motivation suggestion slay it on me, I suck balls at motivating myself!



Hottest Thanksgiving Ever

Long time no post (yet again…)

School is really kicking my arse at the moment, as well as an insane amount of personal drama of the “can’t believe this is happening to me” persuasion. BUT in great news I have a position for next year where I can start fresh and possibly get permanency (ah that golden word!) so I’ve been able to handle the work drama. I am very thankful for the help my principal gave me in getting the job, and so I thought in the spirit of American Thanksgiving I would list a few things I am thankful for right now.

  1. Marvel’s Jessica Jones. I know she’s not exactly the greatest role model but damn, she’s just awesome. More amazingly is how much I am astounded by David Tennant’s Kilgrave. He is really compelling as a villain and an amazing actor. I’m currently watching episode 8 (AKA WWJD?) and I just love it.
  2. Good friends. Malinda at work and Caro from decades of friendship keeping me sane, Coop coming home for the holidays, Rach getting her dream job, Mich being there for me when I needed it and most of all J for being everything I need and more.
  3. Water. Swimming keeps me sane and helps clear my head, and   though I’ve been dry of late I’m hoping to get back into it soon.
  4. Perth. With this weather and the amount of driving around I’ve done lately I’m falling more and more in love with my home town. I can’t wait until the school holidays so I can explore more of it with friends and family.

Back to reports for me now, I’m hideously overdue with them and trying my hardest to stay on track. I don’t know why I consistently do this, procrastinate and lose motivation for things that I know will benefit me and make me feel good in the long run. It’s getting real old real fast and I don’t know how to stop it.

Delightfully positive right? Hope you are having a good weekend.


Hello October!


Things that I want to accomplish this month include:

  • Finish reading the Thone of Glass series by Sarah J Maas – I’m addicted and currently in the middle of Heir of Fire (book 3).
  • Swimming at the pools a minimum of 1km per session, and at least three times a week.
  • Eating at least two pieces of fruit per day, and at least two servings of vegetables per day. Doctor says I have dangerously low iron levels so I’m looking to completely revamp my diet, starting with a new love of mushrooms and spinach!
  • Going to the beach at least four times this month. I’m ridiculous, the second the sun comes out a light goes off in my head saying “well. must be summer, time for thongs and bathers and sand and seaweed!”
  • Walking/running at least once a day – again. with the aforementioned revamp. I call it “Operation Hottie.” I’m also doing the Colour Run on the first of November, which I know is more fun than run, but I still want to do well!
  • Keep my bedroom clean. End of term saw me doing a lot of mindless dressing in the mornings without any time for laundry at night, resulting in the Everest of dirty clothes piles in my bedroom.
  • Stick to my Lorna Jane Active Planner – it’s all pink and amazing, and the core of my 12 week aim/Operation Hottie for the next three months. And on that note..
  • Lose at least 2cm from some measurement in my Lorna Jane planner. I’m trying hard to remember it’s less about weight and more about how my clothes fit me (especially with all my swimming making my arms so BUFF), but who doesn’t want to see that number on the scale go down? And finally:
  • Watch my darling Eagles take the flag this Saturday!

Hope you had a fantastic September and that your plans for the last three months of the year are coming along great! Just 12 weeks until Christmas!(shudder)


Top Ten Book Goals/Resolutions For 2015


After some time off from writing (part laziness part busy-ness) I feel like this week’s The Broke and the Bookish Top Ten Tuesday topic of book resolutions fits well with a renewed commitment to my reading/writing.  I am someone who makes a lot of promises/goals and resolutions to myself (I’m currently deciding what I want my reading goal for 2015 to be, its either going to be 150 books or working my way through the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge) that I have trouble keeping. However I am hoping that this little list is one that I can stick to! Continue reading Top Ten Book Goals/Resolutions For 2015

Taking Stock – June 17th

One of my new favourite bloggers at The Illusive Femme recently did a “Taking Stock” post. Having gone back to look at it and the site from which it originated (Meet Me at Mikes), I’m finding that I really like it (I am a sucker for list posts too) and I also would like to co-opt it for myself. The aim is to do one of these every month, to be able to sort of see how my goals and things have progressed. So without any further ado, here is my first stock taking!

Making: A Sailor Moon cross stitch that I will probably either frame or cushion.

Cooking: Curry, gnocchi and lots of pastas with “empty the fridge” (i.e. anything that is in the fridge goes in) sauces.

Drinking: Lots of green teas. I usually go for the ones with lemon in it, especially the Lipton pyramid ones, but I like Twinings too.

Reading: Jurassic Park, Friday Night Lights, Kavalier and Clay, The Infernal Devices and Meg Cabot. Too many books? Impossible!

Wanting: Summer, regular employment, a single digit sized body.

Looking: Forward to getting paid next week so I can pay off my car (finally)!

Playing: Cluedo on the computer, Lana Del Rey on the stereo and basketball when it’s not raining outside.

Deciding: whether or not I should brave the storm and head to the gym tonight.

Wishing: I was in Brazil for the World Cup.

Enjoying: Reading in bed with popcorn and green tea, listening to the wind and rain outside.

Waiting: for those ever elusive interview calls.

Liking: watching the World Cup with my brother at two in the morning.

Wondering: how to drum up some motivation to get me out of bed on days like this.

Loving: how I spent five of the last six nights ♥

Pondering: if I should re-read ASOIAF now that the fourth season of the show has ended.

Considering: getting my hair cut into a fringe again (when I can afford it).

Watching: Nigella Feasts and Rugrats on the iview.

Hoping: I get a job by the end of the month!

Marvelling: at the unpredictability and sheer wonder and magnitude of the World Cup. Portugal and Spain both losing by four goals in their first games? Singlehandedly bring countries to their knees.

Needing: to quit being lazy and just do the things I am supposed to be doing!

Smelling: A mix of Sunkissed Glow (yes, the Jennifer Lopez perfume) and boy, on the jumper I am currently wearing.

Wearing: Han Solo blue T shirt, black zip up hoodie, grey track suit pants (that I have somehow owned and been able to regularly wear since 2006), pink bonds socks.

Following: Sarah Jessica Parker, Poppy Lissiman, Lena Headey on Instagram.

Noticing: That I really need to clean my bedroom.

Knowing: I need to get my stuff together, stop waiting for someone/something to magically rescue me from my current predicaments.

Thinking: about boy, buying houses, somehow finding out I am the heir to an obscure European country ala Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries.

Feeling: Despondent and frustrated, but yet determined.

Admiring: my friends and anyone with careers/houses, Jennifer Lopez and Diana Taurasi.

Sorting: My life. Unsuccessfully.

Buying: Friday Night Lights dvds, socks, books and Vanity Fair.

Getting: frustrated at myself for recognising what I need to be doing and yet still no doing it.

Bookmarking: ASOIAF theory essays, Grantland articles and a profile on Lana Del Rey.

Disliking: having not enough hours in the day, current living circumstances, current lack of organisation.

Opening: my window a smidge to smell the rain outside.

Giggling: at the boy.

Feeling: slightly more motivated, because of thinking about boy. It might be inherently anti-feminist of me, but I would do anything for that man and he inspires and motivates me.

Snacking: waaaay too much. Just finished a bag of popcorn, and I have a drawer in my nightstand filled with oat bars and cheese dips to put in my bag when I go out.

Coveting: A hot European or South American holiday, or body.

Wishing: for a teaching job that still allowed me to be able to stay up until four in the morning. Ha!

Helping: out in my household by taking down the (wet) washing so it doesn’t get more wet.

Hearing: The rail on the roof and windows, and hitting the patch of ground outside my window.


Hopefully I remember to do this once a month. I think it’s an interesting iteration of all those Myspace quizzes (you all know the ones I mean!) and hopefully allow me to sort of examine myself and how I’m going at the time.

Today is also Tuesday, and at last check I have now missed two Top Ten Tuesdays, back on track with them soon hopefully. As you may have gleaned I have been having a slight motivation/laziness crisis as of late. Hope you are all having a good month though, and watching a lot of the World Cup!


Life Updates and Literature

Long time no speak!

Just a quick one for now, life has both treated me fairly and unjustly in the past month or so. I have been fortunate enough to get some English relief work for the end of term one, only to be rejected for that very job when I applied for it. It has been a very emotional, gruelling period. I put everything I had into those students for the short time I taught them, which only served to remind me that this makes me so happy, that it is what I love doing, and that I am excellent at it no matter what. And for the record, I was rejected for the job due to my “lack of experience.” Bogus excuse but one that will rear its head time and time again until someone decides to give me the very experience I seek.

All my fantastic teaching has left my “to read” list growing higher and higher, so I thought I would share a few that I am hoping to tackle while in between jobs.


I’m currently in the last few chapters of the most recent Sue Grafton, so hopefully get that done tonight and get stuck into the next one on my list! I am looking forward to getting back in touch with my books, even if it isn’t technically touching them (I predominantly use an ereader now). My Goodreads Challenge goal for the year is 100, and so far I am sitting on 36 which is eight books ahead of schedule. Not bad, but by my usual standards fairly average!

Hope you are getting some good reading in too!


How to Have the Best Summer Ever, Part 1 (Day 5)

Busselton Jetty, hope to go here this summer!

My friend Anna and I got together today to swap book and TV show and stories, both of up having finished uni for the year and not having much else to do or money to do it with. We ended up watching Midnight in Paris with some Subway and cheesecake from the Cheesecake Shop (just because) and trying to decide what to do for the summer. Being on similar budgets and time constraints (although she has a job already for next year) made it easy for us to hype each other up about making this the best summer ever. We decided to go home today and make a list of everything we wanted to do this summer, and then collaborate and see how much of it is affordable and doable.

So here is my list, hopefully I can get around to doing most of the things on there!

  • Picnic (Beach, Park, River)
  • Movies By Burswood
  • Kings Park Outdoor Movies
  • Beach
  • Barbeque
  • Sporting Events: Cricket (Perth Scorchers), Soccer (Perth Glory), Basketball (Perth Wildcats)
  • Road Trip (Augusta, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Albany, Dunsborough)
  • Movies (The Hobbit, Anchorman 2, Frozen, Saving Mr Banks, The Book Thief)
  • Movie Marathon (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Fast and the Furious, James Bond, Men In Black)
  • Music concerts
  • Chocolate factory
  • Wineries
  • Perth Hills
  • Theatre
  • AQWA
  • Perth Zoo
  • Art Gallery
  • Museum
  • Crown Casino
  • Horse Races/Greyhounds

Hope my plans turn into realities soon!

Adrift (Day3)


adv. & adj.

1. Drifting or floating freely; not anchored.

2. Without direction or purpose:

One of my friends is going to the Jack Johnson concert this weekend at King’s Park and I was looking at my merchandise from one of his last shows in Perth that I was able to go to.

One of the song titles (because the words are all tracks from Sleep Through the Static) that stood out to me, even though it is in pretty small print, was Adrift. It seems rather apt for the way that I am feeling right now.

I have so much that I want to accomplish and so much that depends on me doing so, but I almost always feel overwhelmed by it all and just adrift in my own little world. I know I should be getting out into the real world, but it’s a scary place for someone as woefully unprepared as I.

I looked up the lyrics to Adrift, and it’s just made me more melancholy as it speaks to my current personal life situation a little too directly.

Your voice is adrift
I can’t expect it to sing to me
As if I was the only one

And so, feeling a little bit listless, I am heading out to McCallum Park to snap myself out of this mood in the sunshine.

Hope you are having a better day than I am!